How To Publish YouTube Videos In Bulk using Script
YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing websites. Many of us know the pain of uploading videos on YouTube in bulk. It’s very easy to upload one video using the YouTube Editor, but what if you have 100+ videos? It can take hours to publish them manually.
Do you know there is a method which can help you publish videos on YouTube in bulk. If you want to see how this works, have a look at the video attached below:
Script to Publish YouTube Videos in Bulk
You can do bulk YouTube videos uploading by using this special script that is specifically written to do these tasks. This script would allow you to publish all your YouTube videos automatically. All you need is to install the script in your browser console and press Enter.
(() => { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // CONFIG (you're safe to edit this) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ~ GLOBAL CONFIG // ----------------------------------------------------------------- const MODE = 'publish_drafts'; // 'publish_drafts' / 'sort_playlist'; const DEBUG_MODE = true; // true / false, enable for more context // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ~ PUBLISH CONFIG // ----------------------------------------------------------------- const MADE_FOR_KIDS = false; // true / false; const VISIBILITY = 'Public'; // 'Public' / 'Private' / 'Unlisted' // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ~ SORT PLAYLIST CONFIG // ----------------------------------------------------------------- const SORTING_KEY = (one, other) => { const numberRegex = /\d+/; const number = (name) => name.match(numberRegex)[0]; if (number( === undefined || number( === undefined) { return; } return number( - number(; }; // END OF CONFIG (not safe to edit stuff below) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Art by Joan G. Stark // .'"'. _,,,_ .'``. // : (\ `."'"``` ```"'"-' /) ; // : \ `./ .' // `. :.' // / _ _ \ // | 0} {0 | // | / \ | // | / \ | // | / \ | // \ | .-. | / // `. | . . / \ . . | .' // `-.\.'.( ).'./.-' // `\' `._.' '/' // `. --'-- .' // `-...-' // ---------------------------------- // COMMON STUFF // --------------------------------- const TIMEOUT_STEP_MS = 20; const DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000; function debugLog(...args) { if (!DEBUG_MODE) { return; } console.debug(...args); } const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve, _) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); async function waitForElement(selector, baseEl, timeoutMs) { if (timeoutMs === undefined) { timeoutMs = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_MS; } if (baseEl === undefined) { baseEl = document; } let timeout = timeoutMs; while (timeout > 0) { let element = baseEl.querySelector(selector); if (element !== null) { return element; } await sleep(TIMEOUT_STEP_MS); timeout -= TIMEOUT_STEP_MS; } debugLog(`could not find ${selector} inside`, baseEl); return null; } function click(element) { const event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); event.initMouseEvent('mousedown', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); element.dispatchEvent(event);; debugLog(element, 'clicked'); } // ---------------------------------- // PUBLISH STUFF // ---------------------------------- const VISIBILITY_PUBLISH_ORDER = { 'Private': 0, 'Unlisted': 1, 'Public': 2, }; // SELECTORS // --------- const VIDEO_ROW_SELECTOR = 'ytcp-video-row'; const DRAFT_MODAL_SELECTOR = '.style-scope.ytcp-uploads-dialog'; const DRAFT_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '.edit-draft-button'; const MADE_FOR_KIDS_SELECTOR = '#made-for-kids-group'; const RADIO_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-paper-radio-button'; const VISIBILITY_STEPPER_SELECTOR = '#step-badge-3'; const VISIBILITY_PAPER_BUTTONS_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-paper-radio-group'; const SAVE_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '#done-button'; const SUCCESS_ELEMENT_SELECTOR = 'ytcp-video-thumbnail-with-info'; const DIALOG_SELECTOR = 'ytcp-dialog.ytcp-video-share-dialog > tp-yt-paper-dialog:nth-child(1)'; const DIALOG_CLOSE_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-iron-icon'; class SuccessDialog { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async closeDialogButton() { return await waitForElement(DIALOG_CLOSE_BUTTON_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async close() { click(await this.closeDialogButton()); await sleep(50); debugLog('closed'); } } class VisibilityModal { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async radioButtonGroup() { return await waitForElement(VISIBILITY_PAPER_BUTTONS_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async visibilityRadioButton() { const group = await this.radioButtonGroup(); const value = VISIBILITY_PUBLISH_ORDER[VISIBILITY]; return [][value]; } async setVisibility() { click(await this.visibilityRadioButton()); debugLog(`visibility set to ${VISIBILITY}`); await sleep(50); } async saveButton() { return await waitForElement(SAVE_BUTTON_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async isSaved() { await waitForElement(SUCCESS_ELEMENT_SELECTOR, document); } async dialog() { return await waitForElement(DIALOG_SELECTOR); } async save() { click(await this.saveButton()); await this.isSaved(); debugLog('saved'); const dialogElement = await this.dialog(); const success = new SuccessDialog(dialogElement); return success; } } class DraftModal { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async madeForKidsToggle() { return await waitForElement(MADE_FOR_KIDS_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async madeForKidsPaperButton() { const nthChild = MADE_FOR_KIDS ? 1 : 2; return await waitForElement(`${RADIO_BUTTON_SELECTOR}:nth-child(${nthChild})`, this.raw); } async selectMadeForKids() { click(await this.madeForKidsPaperButton()); await sleep(50); debugLog('"Made for kids" set as ${MADE_FOR_KIDS}'); } async visibilityStepper() { return await waitForElement(VISIBILITY_STEPPER_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async goToVisibility() { debugLog('going to Visibility'); await sleep(50); click(await this.visibilityStepper()); const visibility = new VisibilityModal(this.raw); await sleep(50); await waitForElement(VISIBILITY_PAPER_BUTTONS_SELECTOR, visibility.raw); return visibility; } } class VideoRow { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } get editDraftButton() { return waitForElement(DRAFT_BUTTON_SELECTOR, this.raw, 20); } async openDraft() { debugLog('focusing draft button'); click(await this.editDraftButton); return new DraftModal(await waitForElement(DRAFT_MODAL_SELECTOR)); } } function allVideos() { return [...document.querySelectorAll(VIDEO_ROW_SELECTOR)].map((el) => new VideoRow(el)); } async function editableVideos() { let editable = []; for (let video of allVideos()) { if ((await video.editDraftButton) !== null) { editable = [...editable, video]; } } return editable; } async function publishDrafts() { const videos = await editableVideos(); debugLog(`found ${videos.length} videos`); debugLog('starting in 1000ms'); await sleep(1000); for (let video of videos) { const draft = await video.openDraft(); debugLog({ draft }); await draft.selectMadeForKids(); const visibility = await draft.goToVisibility(); await visibility.setVisibility(); const dialog = await; await dialog.close(); await sleep(100); } } // ---------------------------------- // SORTING STUFF // ---------------------------------- const SORTING_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button'; const SORTING_ITEM_MENU_SELECTOR = 'paper-listbox#items'; const SORTING_ITEM_MENU_ITEM_SELECTOR = 'ytd-menu-service-item-renderer'; const MOVE_TO_TOP_INDEX = 4; const MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_INDEX = 5; class SortingDialog { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async anyMenuItem() { const item = await waitForElement(SORTING_ITEM_MENU_ITEM_SELECTOR, this.raw); if (item === null) { throw new Error("could not locate any menu item"); } return item; } menuItems() { return [...this.raw.querySelectorAll(SORTING_ITEM_MENU_ITEM_SELECTOR)]; } async moveToTop() { click(this.menuItems()[MOVE_TO_TOP_INDEX]); } async moveToBottom() { click(this.menuItems()[MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_INDEX]); } } class PlaylistVideo { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } get name() { return this.raw.querySelector('#video-title').textContent; } async dialog() { return this.raw.querySelector(SORTING_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR); } async openDialog() { click(await this.dialog()); const dialog = new SortingDialog(await waitForElement(SORTING_ITEM_MENU_SELECTOR)); await dialog.anyMenuItem(); return dialog; } } async function playlistVideos() { return [...document.querySelectorAll('ytd-playlist-video-renderer')] .map((el) => new PlaylistVideo(el)); } async function sortPlaylist() { debugLog('sorting playlist'); const videos = await playlistVideos(); debugLog(`found ${videos.length} videos`); videos.sort(SORTING_KEY); const videoNames = =>; let index = 1; for (let name of videoNames) { debugLog({index, name}); const video = videos.find((v) => === name); const dialog = await video.openDialog(); await dialog.moveToBottom(); await sleep(1000); index += 1; } } // ---------------------------------- // ENTRY POINT // ---------------------------------- ({ 'publish_drafts': publishDrafts, 'sort_playlist': sortPlaylist, })[MODE](); })();
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This is genius and saved me many many hours of dull work setting each one manually. Thank you so much for posting this.